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Our final masterclass of 2019 focuses on market access, with a particular focus on the newly launched Budget Impact Template from the NCPE along with the Rapid Review process and procedures.
Dr Aine Varley and Dr Lea Trela – who were involved in the creation of the Budget Impact Template – will be attending the masterclass along with Dr Lesley Tilson, Deputy Director of the NCPE to provide a practical, hands-on workshop walking attendees through the Template.
Topics for discussion in the masterclass include:
This masterclass will be of particular interest to those directly involved with Market Access in their companies, along with those who need a further understanding of the process, procedures and patient impact.
Lesley is the Chief Pharmacist at the National Centre for Pharmacoeconomics and is a graduate of the University of Brighton…
An economist by trade, Sandra has 20 years’ experience in providing expert economic reports and advice to clients…
Aisling is a qualified pharmacist with over 10 years of experience across retail pharmacy and the pharmaceutical industry…